Auto Repair Shop | Stillwater, OK | G&M Body Shop | 405-377-0430


Stillwater, OK

405-377-0430 (East Shop)

405-624-5104 (West Shop)


Be prepared for every step of your car's repair process.

Make sure you are fully confident in your repairs and the service you recieve. We are happy to help with any other questions or concerns you have!

Auto Insurance Information | Stillwater, OK | G&M Body Shop | 405-377-0430

Get answers to some of the most frequently asked questions

  • Is G&M Body Shop affiliated with any other collision repair shops?

Yes, we have G&M Collision Center in Ponca City. You can visit their website here.

  • Where do I get a claim number?

Claim numbers are issued by your insurance company at the time you report your accident. Bring it in with you when you come in to begin the repair process. G&M will do the rest.

  • Will the parts be ordered before I drop off my vehicle for repair?

Absolutely. We generally order your vehicle's parts at the time that we write the estimate. We will schedule your vehicle for drop-off a couple of days, later unless your vehicle is found unsafe to drive. If that is the case, then we will help you arrange for a rental vehicle as soon as possible.

  • If my vehicle's frame is damaged, is it a total loss?

No. A car is a total loss only when the price of repairs exceeds the insurance company's determined value of your vehicle.

Nowadays, most cars are built using unibody (frame and body as one) construction. Our technicians, with the aid of our state-of-the-art computer measuring system, can return your vehicle to its original factory specifications. If it is determined that the frame section is bent beyond repair, that section can simply be replaced.

  • Can you match my car's paint color?

Yes. G&M has one of the finest paint systems available and constantly upgrades its technology and equipment to ensure that each vehicle's paint matches.

  • Can I get other service work for my vehicle while it is in the body shop?

Yes. Just let your advisor know what other what other work you would like done so that he or she can make the necessary arrangements.

  • Can I get a ride home after I drop off my car?

Yes, we provide a pickup and delivery service.

  • How can I get a rental car?

If you need a rental car, we can help you make the necessary arrangements. Insurance companies will only pay for a rental car if you have that option on your policy or if you are the claimant. Check your policy and/or call your insurance company to find out if you have rental coverage and what your specific limitations are.

  • How will I know when my car is done?

You will be notified when your vehicle is ready to be picked up. You can also email the estimator handling your claim from this website. Feel free to call or e-mail your advisor during the repair process if you have questions or concerns.

  • Is there a warranty on the repairs to my vehicle?

Yes. G&M covers all body work with a limited lifetime warranty. Paint work is covered by a limited 1 year warranty.

Get a limited lifetime warranty for all body work and repairs. Call today!


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